welcome to


your source to find new music


Discover the latest artists.

Give us an artist you enjoy listening to and we'll recommend you similar artists. The era, genre, and popularity of the artist are all factors in our algorithm to provide you with some new artists we hope you will love.

Find songs you will love.

Your new go-to song could be on the next page. Continue down the rabbit-hole of recommendations in order to find some truly amazing songs. It all starts with one search...

Stream online events.

Is your favorite artist having a concert in Australia? Great Britain? Kansas? No problem! Find out where they are playing next. Many concerts are currently being streamed online due to the pandemic with cheaper ticket prices!

About muSEAK


Aside from fulfilling the requirements of our final project for CSCE 315, we hope that this page will allow whatever users that come across it a way to find new music and online concert events during the pandemic. Finding new artists and songs is difficult depending on the music streaming platform you use, so we hope that this website will help with that!


This project needed to use three different APIs. We decided to use four! The four that our team chose were the Last.fm, BandsInTown, Musixmatch, and Apple Music APIs.

The Last.fm API is the main driving force behind this project, providing similar artists and top tracks when a user searches based on an artist they like.

The BandsInTown API is used on each artist page and provides in person or online concerts for that artist.

The Musixmatch API provides the lyrics snippet on each song page which gives users with hearing impairments a way to see the lyrics.

Lastly, the Apple Music API embeds a player for a requested song, allowing users to enjoy music directly from the website.


This webpage has a variety of color palettes for users to choose from. This not only solves the problem of differing tastes, but of certain forms of colorblindness as well. We also allow the hearing impaired to see the lyrics of suggested songs visually if they are have trouble listening to the song on the embedded player.

A note from the developers

Our team of developers have a wide variety of music tastes and each one of us have found a new artist while creating this product, so we hope you will too!

About the developers

Mitchell Stacha


API Team

Class of 2022

About Mitchell

Hometown: Houston, TX

Hobbies: Bowling, Guitar

Professional Interests: Software Engineering, App Development, Cybersecurity

visit his website

Cora English


Frontend Developer

Class of 2022

About Cora

Hometown: Magnolia, TX

Hobbies: Volleyball, Piano, Wakeboarding

Professional Interests: Web Development, Cryptography

visit her website

Nkemdi Anyiam


Graphic Designer

Class of 2022

About Nkemdi

Hometown: Richardson, TX

Hobbies: Design, Music Production, Gaming

Professional Interests: UI/UX, Graphic Design

visit his website

Pranav Konduri


API Team

Class of 2022

About Pranav

Hometown: Plano, TX

Hobbies: Tennis, Percussion

Professional Interests: Software Engineering, Algorithms, Entrepreneurship

visit his website